ThinkorSwim Hotkeys and Keyboard Shortcuts

Have you ever found yourself neck-deep in a sea of trading charts and wished for a quicker way to navigate? This is where thinkorswim (TOS) hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts come in handy.

Customizing Your Hotkeys

Customizing your hotkeys can be an easy way to speed up your trading and improve your overall experience with thinkorswim. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate and modify your hotkeys with ease:

1. Navigate to Setup Menu

Begin by locating the ‘Setup’ menu, which can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the ThinkorSwim platform. Click on this menu and from the dropdown options, select ‘Application Settings’.

Thinkorswim setup menu located in the upper-right hand corner of the platform.

2. Select the Hot Keys Tab

Once inside the ‘Application Settings’, look towards the top of the menu. You’ll notice various tabs, one of which is labeled ‘Hotkeys’. Click on this tab. This section will display a comprehensive list of all available hotkeys or shortcuts, accompanied by their current key combinations.

Thinkorswim application settings menu with the hotkeys tab selected.

3. Choose and Assign Key Combination

Now that you’re in the hotkeys section:

  • Choose a Function: Browse through the list to find a function whose hotkey you’d like to modify. Each function represents a specific action on the ThinkorSwim platform.
  • Assign a New Key Combination: Click on the current key combination next to your chosen function. A field will activate, allowing you to input a new key combination. Simply press the keys you’d like to use for this function. Once assigned, the platform will update to reflect the change.
Thinkorswim hotkeys menu found in the application settings menu. The monitor shortcut is being changed from the default to a new custom button combination.

In the example above, you can see we’ve changed the default hotkey for the monitor page. The default shortcut is ‘Ctrl 1‘ but it’s been switched to ‘Ctrl M‘.

ThinkorSwim Hotkeys to Know

All the hotkeys below can be found within the application settings menu. These hotkeys are the default shortcuts but can be changed to any key combination you want to use.

Active Trader Hotkeys

CommandThinkorswim Hotkey
Zoom InAlt + [
Zoom OutAlt + [
Reset ZoomAlt + \
Flat PositionAlt + F
Reverse PositionAlt + R
Buy MarketAlt + B
Sell MarketAlt + S
Auto Send on/offAlt + A
CommandThinkorswim Hotkey
Home ScreenCtrl + H
MonitorCtrl + 1
TradeCtrl + 2
AnalyzeCtrl + 3
ScanCtrl + 4
MarketWatchCtrl + 5
ChartsCtrl + 6
ToolsCtrl + 7
HelpCtrl + 8
BackCtrl + `
Next TabCtrl + TAB
Previous TabCtrl + Shift + TAB
Next SubTabCtrl + Alt + TAB
Previous SubTabCtrl + Alt + Shift + TAB
SubTab 1Alt + 1
SubTab 2Alt + 2
SubTab 3Alt + 3
SubTab 4Alt + 4
SubTab 5Alt + 5
SubTab 6Alt + 6
SubTab 7Alt + 7
SubTab 8Alt + 8
SubTab 9Alt + 9
Lock ApplicationCtrl + Alt + L

Chart Hotkeys

CommandThinkorSwim Hotkeys
UndoCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + Shift + Z
Duplicate DrawingSpacebar
Edit StudiesCtrl + E
SettingsCtrl + S
Time Frame SetupCtrl + T
Zoom InCtrl + +
Zoom OutCtrl + –

thinkScript Editor Hotkeys

CommandThinkorSwim Hotkeys
Auto CompleteCtrl + Spacebar
HelpCtrl + Shift + /
UndoCtrl + Z