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Option Collar: How It Works & Examples

Option Collar: How It Works & Examples

An Option Collar, sometimes called a “hedge wrapper,” is an options strategy used to protect against significant losses, while also setting a limit on potential profits. Instead of…

Protective Put: Overview, Strategy & Examples

Protective Put: Overview, Strategy & Examples

A Protective Put, sometimes called “stock insurance,” is an options strategy used to protect against a potential downturn in the market. Instead of simply owning shares of stock,…

Broken Wing Butterfly: How It Works & Examples

Broken Wing Butterfly: How It Works & Examples

The Broken Wing Butterfly, sometimes called a skewed butterfly, is an options strategy designed to profit from a sideways market while also minimizing risk. It’s nearly identical to…

Credit Spread Option: What They Are & Examples

Credit Spread Option: What They Are & Examples

A Credit Spread, often referred to as a vertical spread, is an options strategy used to profit from the difference between two option premiums. It’s created by selling…